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Peer-reviewed articles and other contributions on disaster management, human rights and related topics are produced by EIHRSDS staff members as outputs of the project. The list of publications is available below. Open-access publications are also made available for download. 

A de Guttry, E Sommario, Marocco: uno Stato può rifiutare gli aiuti internazionali?, Affari Internazionali, 2023

E Sommario, International Disaster Law in Practice - United Nations Bodies (2021), Yearbook of International Disaster Law 4 (2023)

E Sommario, La lenta e tortuosa codificazione del diritto internazionale dei disastri, Ars Interpretandi (2022)

E Sommario, Ordinary and Extraordinary Limitations on Human Rights Introduced to Tackle CBRN Threats, in A de Guttry, M Frulli, F Casolari, L Poli, International Law and Chemical, Biological, Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) Events - Towards an All-Hazards Approach, Brill (2022)

E Sommario, International Disaster Law in Practice - United Nations Bodies (2020), Yearbook of International Disaster Law 3 (2022)

E Sommario, When climate change and human rights meet: A brief comment on the UN Human Rights Committee Teitiota decision, Questions of International Law 77 (2021)

E Sommario, Misure di contrasto al COVID-19 e diritti umani: una valutazione alla luce dei parametri della Convenzione Europea per i Diritti Umani, in Diritti umani in crisi? Emergenze, disuguaglianze, esclusioni, Pacini Editore (2021) 

E Sommario, Le restrizioni ordinarie e straordinarie ai diritti umani adottate per far fronte al COVID-19 e la loro legittimità alla luce dei parametri della CEDU, Quaderni di SidiBlog 7 (2021) 

E Sommario, International Disaster Law in Practice - Regional Human Rights Bodies (2019), Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2 (2021)

E Sommario, International Disaster Law in Practice - Developments within the UN system (2019), Yearbook of International Disaster Law 2 (2021)

E Sommario, International Disaster Law in Practice - United Nations Bodies (2018), Yearbook of International Disaster Law 1 (2020)

E Sommario, Misure di contrasto al coronavirus e rispetto dei diritti umani, Affari Internazionali 2 (2020)


R Luporini, Strategic litigation at the domestic and international levels as a tool to advance climate change adaptation? Challenges and prospects, Yearbook of International Disaster Law (2023)

R Luporini, A Savaresi, International Human Rights Bodies and Climate Litigation: Don't Look Up?, RECIEL (2023)

R Luporini, Cambiamento climatico, disastri e diritti umani nel diritto internazionale, EUNOMIA (2021)

R Luporini, A Kodiveri, The increasing role of human rights bodies in climate litigation, COP26 Briefings, The British Academy (2021)

R Luporini, A Kodiveri, The role of human rights bodies in climate litigation, EUI Working Paper 12 (2021)

R David, R Luporini, Cos'è la giustizia climatica e perché è importante, ISPI Commentary (2021)

R Luporini, The “Last Judgment”: Early reflections on upcoming climate litigation in Italy, Questions of International Law 77 (2021)